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Vote “Yes” on Warrant Article 5 at Sutton Town Meeting , March 14th, 7 pm

A Watershed-Based Plan for a Healthy Kezar Lake
The Problem
  • Cyanobacteria algae has been detected the past two summers; which can harm humans and pets.

  • Our water quality sampling program has indicated that phosphorus, which feeds algae blooms, has seen elevated levels the past five years.

  • NHDES reports significantly increasing (worsening) conductivity, a salt indicator

  • NHDES has determined our lake is impaired for dissolved oxygen, which negatively impacts aquatic life.


The Solution, Phase 1: A Watershed-Based Plan

A Watershed-based Plan (WBP) will provide a comprehensive assessment of Kezar Lake’s watershed, which is roughly 7,000 acres across Sutton and New London, to determine potential sources of pollution and provide a framework to proactively protect and restore the Lake’s health with water quality improvement projects such as roadway stabilization, culvert replacement, public space enhancement/greening, etc.

A photo of a loon shaking water from its feathers

Photo by Sue Esposito

A WBP is also a requirement for Kezar Lake and its surrounding watershed to be eligible for Section 319 Watershed Assistance Grants from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). The main source of funding for water quality work in the State which could bring thousands of dollars to Sutton for water quality improvements.
Why an SRF Loan for a WBP?

In 2022 the KLPA applied for NHDES’ 604(b) planning grant, but was denied

  • Very limited funding, competitive grant

  • Funding typically does not fully cover the cost of a WBP

  • NHDES staff recommended SRF loan as best funding source


NHDES has indicated that the Stormwater Planning SRF Loan is the single best funding source for completing a WBP from the State for the following reasons:

  • The loan provides 100% principal forgiveness, which essentially makes this loan function like a grant with no match requirements


  • The loan provides enough funding to complete a WBP, meaning the Town and/or KLPA will not have to apply for multiple grants to cover the cost of WBP development


What Are We Asking of the Town?

Only municipalities are eligible to apply for an SRF Loan, so we are asking that the town consider accepting a $100,000 SRF Loan at NO COST to the Town or Sutton taxpayers. The loan will be 100% forgiven once the WBP is complete (typically a two year process) and the KLPA is committed to pay the interest and any incidental costs. For a $100,000 loan at 2% interest rate, that cost is estimated at toughly $5,000…meaning we will be getting $100,000 for a MERE ~$5,000, which will be paid by the KLPA!!!


As the fiscal sponsor the Town will be responsible for:

  • Holding the contract with the selected consultant (the state handles the competitive bid process for consultant selection with the town and can provide contract templates for this work)

  • Processing invoices from the hired consultant after KLPA has reviewed invoices and ensured accuracy, submitting requests for funding from NHDES, and paying the consultant with NHDES-provided funds (i.e. the Town will not be required to front ANY FUNDING for this project)


As the fiscal sponsor the Town will NOT be responsible for:

  • Providing any funding

  • Writing NHDES-required loan reporting (any required reporting will be provided by the consultant and/or KLPA)


SRF Loan Timeline

The Town will have the support of the KLPA and NHDES throughout each of these steps:

A graphic of the NH DES Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan timeline

Kezar Lake Watershed Map

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