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A photograph of clouds reflected in the surface of a lake.

​The Shoreland's Role


Lakefront property owners and visitors to Kezar's beaches and water play a critical part in keeping the water quality high. The shoreland buffers the lake by filtering nutrients draining from the land and roads. A lot of phosphorus, salt and other chemicals that injure the lake drain into it as run-off from rain, snow melt, and shoreland activities.


Several portions of the roads around Kezar are quite close to the shore, so it's important that where possible, run-off is prevented, slowed, absorbed, or diverted.


The best buffer for the lake is natural plant life about 50 feet wide; the older and larger the plants, the more good they do. Shade cools the water and is great for fish habitat; it also hinders weed growth. The extensive root systems of larger trees and bushes are preferable to smaller plants. Native NH plant varieties are better than nonnative as they are more adjusted to the elements and will last longer.


Our driveways, especially asphalt, roofs and decks absorb very little run-off, so where possible it is good to use semi-impervious or permeable materials. A good example is the concrete blocks with holes in them, allowing grass to grow up in between, used by the Kezar Dam on Wadleigh Hill Rd.


New Hampshire's Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act sets forth standards and laws for use of the shoreland in order to protect lakes and rivers. Some of its standards have been eased to allow more removal of vegetation on the shore. But it's important to think about the tremendous good these trees and older plant life do for water quality before sacrificing them for a view or deck area.



Kezar Lake Water Quality

NH DES  Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act

Lake Friendly Living Tips

The Exchange from New Hampshire Public RadioOngoing Challenges Facing N.H. Lakes: Keeping Stormwater at Bay and Protecting Shoreland Vegetation

Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region Water Quality

Lake Management & Protection

Sustainability of NH Surface Waters





Kezar Lake Protective Association
P.O. BOX 141
North Sutton, NH 03260

© Copyright 2024 Kezar Lake Protective Association
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