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Vote “Yes” on Warrant Article 5:
Sutton Town Meeting: Wednesday, March 13th, 7 pm
Town Meeting Warrant Article 5: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 by obtaining a New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Clean Water State Revolving Fund (NHCWSRF) loan.

~ NH Lakes Press Release The Kezar Lake Protective Association earns the first NH LAKES LakeSmart Community Award.

~ The latest NHACC Legislative Update includes two proposed laws relating to NH wetlands: HB1121 (relative to creating certain wetlands permit exemptions after a natural disaster or flooding event) and HB 1208 (relative to permitting requirements before timber harvesting operations in a wetland.).

KLPA Annual Meeting Minutes A summary of the July 2023 annual meeting, which included presentations on cyanobacteria blooms in New Hampshire lakes, the New Hampshire Instream Flow Program, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, and more.

~ Petition to the Sutton Select Board to add an article to the warrant for the 2024 Town Meeting to raise $2,000 for the Lake Host Program.

~ NH Lakes Lake Congress Save the date for the 2024 Lakes Congress: June 6, 2024. Lakes Congress is NH Lakes’ annual education, training, and networking event. Learn more about the event and read all of the presentations from the 2023 Congress on the NH Lakes website.

~ LakeSmart Program: For anyone living anywhere in the Kezar Lake watershed (not just on the lake itself), this program provides free property evaluations. Learn more about how we affect our watershed and what easy steps you can take to help keep our lake healthy. Start here with a simple survey.
(Participation in LakeSmart also helps with our application for a Federal 604(b) grant.)

~ NH LAKES assists protective associations with the Lake Host Charitable Giving Program. Read more about the program and donate online to support our hosts (be sure to select ‟Kezar Lake Protective Associationˮ).

~ Colby-Sawyer Collegeʼs Study of Kezar Lake and its Watershed: Read the final report here. This ambitious year-long project will continue with ongoing data collection and analysis to track the lakeʼs water quality. The classʼs community outreach measures are documented as well for all to read.

Presidentʼs Corner

Welcome to Kezar Lake... 


...and to Kezar Lake Protective Association’s website, which will inform you about most anything you care to know, from our lake’s resilient history to exciting ongoing events.


As we enter our 51st year, I want to acknowledge our debt to the original KLPA members who came together in 1971 to heal and preserve the lake. Our task is to continue with their legacy to manage current issues and prepare for the new challenges brought on by climate change and increased use of our lake. The Lake Host program is at the core of that mission, working in concert with NH LAKES to educate ourselves and put in place practices to protect the lake.


The Kezar Lake Watershed is the yearlong Community-Based Project of Prof. Harvey Pine’s third year environmental studies class at Colby-Sawyer College. Check out their in-depth report that covers the history and ongoing efforts to measure and track Kezar Lake quality.


KLPA is more relevant than ever as we face ongoing assaults on the environment. Raising money for potential remediation is a key part of our stewardship, so we can quickly and decisively address problems as they arise.


Our goal is to reach out to all who enjoy our lake, not just those who live on it. We provide amenities to make it more enjoyable — swimming lessons, educational signage and talks, and a port-a-potty at Horse Beach. People often ask our Lake Hosts what they can do to help, and they are prepared with the answer: donations of any size, either monetary or time.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Lynn Wittman

“Madame President”

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